Pojama is 24 years old with three children. She lives in a thatched hut in a small village in Niger. Unfortunately Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world with few employment opportunities. She is struggling to provide for her children. Fortunately her village is next in line to receive interest free loans from The Gemach Project. This loan will enable her to raise animals thus providing a way for her to feed her family, provide medicine as needed and to pay for the children’s schooling. The Gemach Project has provided such loans to 200 villages in Niger with a goal of provided loans to 300 additional villages by the end of 2026. Please help us reach this goal.
You can give through our web site, www.thegemachproject.com or by sending a check to The Gemach Project, 108 Sylvestor Pl. Highlands Ranch, Co. 80129. The Gemach Project is recognized as a 501c3 non-profit organization. 100% of all donations go straight to the poor in the way of interest free loans. Once these loans are paid back your funds will then be used to help another family. No one associated with Thee Gemach Project receives a salary so be assured that your donations will be used as intended.