I have struggled for several days on how to make this post. I think it is important to share our milestones while acknowledging that God is in charge and that it is not a result of human effort. When God gave me this vision in 2009 I tried to raise $6,650 for our first loans. My efforts were pathetic. As the deadline neared we invited people to attend a meeting so we could share the vision. At the end of the night we counted up our donations and found that God had provided $6,675. He knew we needed a little extra to wire the funds.
Fast forward to July 0f 2023. After many years of fantastic results, complete failures and everything in between God has continued to bless us. This month we made our nine thousand and thirty fourth loan. That loan put us over a total loan value of $1,000,000. Because of the faithfulness of our recipients in countries like Niger we were able to make $1,000,000 in loans with an actual outlay of $360,000. So we give thanks to firstly God and then to our faithful recipients who paid back our loans so that we could make additional loans, to our coordinators in country who have done a magnificent job and to the many of you who donated so that this could become a reality.
The Gemach Project has never and will never charge any interest or fees for our loans. May God continue to bless The Gemach Project, all who give, our loan coordinators and especially the poor who receive these loans. May this be just the beginning.