Tounga Remi

The village of Tounga Remi has approached our loan coordinator in Niger asking for help from The Gemach Project.   Tounga Remi is located near the Niger/Benin border.  This village was recently destroyed by flooding.  The 104 families that once lived there lost everything and are now living in neighboring villages.  They have asked for 37 loans so that they can re-establish their village and replenish their livestock.  They also need to establish a source of income so that the children can return to school.  We urgently need $3,700 so we can make these loans.  They understand that these loans would need to be paid back so that we can help another village.  This is an opportunity for you to help someone in great need this Thanksgiving.  If you would like to help just press the donate button on the web site.  If you donate you will be provided a photo and brief information on the recipient that received the loan you funded.  Thanks in advance.



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